Heilig Kruiskerk

Catholic church in Ghent

Updated: March 28, 2024 05:55 PM

Heilig Kruiskerk is located in Ghent (City in Belgium), Belgium. It's address is Heilig-Kruisplein, 9040 Gent, Belgium.

Heilig-Kruisplein, 9040 Gent, Belgium

3Q8C+34 Ghent, Belgium

+32 9 230 37 00

Questions & Answers

Where is Heilig Kruiskerk?

Heilig Kruiskerk is located at: Heilig-Kruisplein, 9040 Gent, Belgium.

What is the phone number of Heilig Kruiskerk?

You can try to calling this number: +32 9 230 37 00

What are the coordinates of Heilig Kruiskerk?

Coordinates: 51.065148, 3.7702588

Heilig Kruiskerk Reviews

fernand deprez
2022-11-11 19:56:27 GMT

Per email gevraagd om inlichtingen betreffende te nemen bus, tot nu toe geen enkele poging om een antwoord te geven.

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Heilig Kruiskerk Directions
About Ghent
City in Belgium

Ghent is a city and a municipality in the Flemish Region of Belgium. It is the capital and largest city of the East Flanders province, and the third largest in the country, after Brussels and Antwerp. It is a port and university city. source

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