Propylaeum of the Sanctuary of Artemis

Historical landmark in Jerash

Updated: April 19, 2024 11:00 PM

Propylaeum of the Sanctuary of Artemis is located in Jerash (City in Jordan), Jordan. It's address is 7VJV+F2X, Jerash, Jordan.

7VJV+F2X, Jerash, Jordan

Questions & Answers

Where is Propylaeum of the Sanctuary of Artemis?

Propylaeum of the Sanctuary of Artemis is located at: 7VJV+F2X, Jerash, Jordan.

What are the coordinates of Propylaeum of the Sanctuary of Artemis?

Coordinates: 32.2812336, 35.8925948

Propylaeum of the Sanctuary of Artemis Reviews

2023-11-16 01:22:39 GMT

From the visitor's center, and after passing the Oval Plaza and proceeding down the Cardo Maximus, we arrived at the Propylaeum of the Sanctuary of Artemis.

This is one the most striking monuments in the ancient ruins of Jerash. This served as the entrance to the Artemis Temple, with its rows of tall columns. Despite enduring centuries of wear, many of the pillars and carved decorations remain surprisingly well-preserved, still showcasing the ornate details and craftsmanship of Jerash's skilled stoneworkers.

Beyond the columns, remnants of stairways lead up to the foundations of the temple. This area offers a glimpse into what visitors would have once seen at this building, making it a fun area to explore for anyone exploring Jerash's fascinating ruins.

Jesús D
2018-03-26 07:59:03 GMT

This is where the processional way to the Temple of Artemis meets the Cardo Maximus. It was designed to impress the passer by with sheer size and ornamentation. Passed the first flight of steps there's a big square structure in the middle. Those are the remains of the main altar to the goddess.

Flanking this altar terrace on an elevated level, there are two altars: one in Greek dedicated to Lady Artemis and another in Latin to Diana.

Keep going up from the altar terrace until you reach the temenos of the Sanctuary of Artemis. Before the monumental temple of Artemis you can notice an structure with circular walls. These are the Byzantine-Umayyad kilns.

Cyriac Edappully
2023-05-24 08:32:17 GMT


Hayder Tamimi
2017-06-28 18:11:06 GMT

My 4th visit...never stops amazing me...we love it...the services could use an update though

Alessandro Tarable
2023-11-01 03:11:19 GMT

Portale d'ingresso che introduce al tempio di Artemide, situato in cima a una collinetta e accessibile tramite delle scalinate. Molto bello anche questo edificio.

Xavier Sanchez Vendrell
2023-09-18 14:40:41 GMT

La entrada principal al templo de Artemisia. Espectacular lo bien conservado que se encuentra. Estas ruinas estas mucho mejor conservadas que las de Grecia.

Magic Travels Around The World
2020-02-29 00:28:11 GMT

To monumentalna brama wzniesiona na prostym planie o jednym przejściu, która prowadziła do Świątyni Artemidy. Została zbudowana około 150 roku n.e. i pierwotnie otaczały ją sklepy. Z ulicy Cardo nie można zobaczyć Świątyni Artemidy dopiero trzeba przejść przez bramę i zacząć wchodzić po schodach, aby ją zobaczyć.

khaled alhamzeh
2022-08-09 16:46:35 GMT

هاذ هو المكان الذي تلقع في المعبد تُعرف أرتميس أيضًا باسم الإلهة ديانا وكانت ربة جراسا الراعية. تم بناء معبد أرتميس العظيم على شرفها في القرن الثاني. بأبعاد خارجية 150 متر ،
كان المبنى من أكثر الظواهر فرضًا في العصور القديمة جرش. تم الحفاظ على الأعمدة الـ 11 الأصلية وما زال معظمها مزينًا بعواصم كورنثية

Miszczo Miszczo
2023-09-23 19:24:36 GMT

Imponująca brama prowadząca do świątyni Artemidy.

Ir Jord
2022-05-29 13:07:28 GMT

تُعرف أرتميس أيضًا باسم الإلهة ديانا وكانت ربة جراسا الراعية. تم بناء معبد أرتميس العظيم على شرفها في القرن الثاني. بأبعاد خارجية 2 × 160 متر ، كان المبنى من أكثر الظواهر فرضًا في العصور القديمة جرش. تم الحفاظ على الأعمدة الـ 11 الأصلية وما زال معظمها مزينًا بعواصم كورنثية.

Gabriele D'Amato
2019-04-20 19:39:54 GMT

Reperti molto ben conservati, ti riporta indietro nel tempo

2023-12-15 09:46:19 GMT

Percorrendo il Cardo Massimo verso nord si trova sulla sinistra il Propylaeum del tempio di Artemide, la struttura è imponente con una bella scalinata e colonne. La scalinata porta al tempio di Artemide che è posizionato su una collina che domina l’intero sito archeologico.

Salvatore F
2023-06-05 15:33:12 GMT

Molto bello

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Propylaeum of the Sanctuary of Artemis Directions
About Jerash
City in Jordan

Jerash is a city in northern Jordan. The city is the administrative center of the Jerash Governorate, and has a population of 50,745 as of 2015. It is located 48 kilometres north of the capital city Amman. source

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