Dr Alfonso Sammassimo

Dentist in Melbourne

Updated: April 28, 2024 04:53 PM

Dr Alfonso Sammassimo is located in Melbourne (City in Australia), Australia. It's address is 10 Greenvale Dr, Greenvale VIC 3059, Australia.

10 Greenvale Dr, Greenvale VIC 3059, Australia

9V5J+VR Greenvale, Victoria, Australia

+61 3 9333 6403

Check Time Table for Dr Alfonso Sammassimo

Monday8:30 AM to 5:30 PM
Tuesday7:30 AM to 7:30 PM
Wednesday7:30 AM to 7:30 PM
Thursday7:30 AM to 7:30 PM
Friday8:30 AM to 6 PM
Saturday8:30 AM to 2 PM

Questions & Answers

Where is Dr Alfonso Sammassimo?

Dr Alfonso Sammassimo is located at: 10 Greenvale Dr, Greenvale VIC 3059, Australia.

What is the phone number of Dr Alfonso Sammassimo?

You can try to calling this number: +61 3 9333 6403

What are the coordinates of Dr Alfonso Sammassimo?

Coordinates: -37.640343, 144.882011

Dr Alfonso Sammassimo Reviews

Arnold Keith
2018-06-09 23:17:25 GMT

Greenvale Dentistry has never disappointed us. Clean, professional, latest dentistry technology and not over priced. Highly recommend.

Thanks for looking after my family for more that seven Year’s. Great service with a smile.

2019-07-12 05:40:51 GMT

Dr Sammassimo is a fantastic dentist. Down to earth while being extremely professional, the qualities needed to make for a comfortable dentist visit.

CTP Global Pty Ltd
2021-03-18 11:04:52 GMT

Had a root canal. He had the latest equipment and dr Sammassimo was very professional with everything he did. It was a very comfortable experience with excellent results

Write a review of Dr Alfonso Sammassimo

Dr Alfonso Sammassimo Directions
About Melbourne
City in Australia

Melbourne is the capital of the Australian state of Victoria and the second-most populous city in Australia, although the most populous by contiguous urban area. source

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