
Supermarket in Mogadishu

Updated: April 26, 2024 06:15 AM

Cirtoogte is located in Mogadishu (Capital of Somalia), Somalia. It's address is 3828+PX8, W Howlwadaag, Muqdisho, Somalia.

3828+PX8, W Howlwadaag, Muqdisho, Somalia

Questions & Answers

Where is Cirtoogte?

Cirtoogte is located at: 3828+PX8, W Howlwadaag, Muqdisho, Somalia.

What are the coordinates of Cirtoogte?

Coordinates: 2.0517864, 45.3174639

Cirtoogte Reviews

Maxamed fodcade
2021-01-16 17:44:11 GMT


Shariif Maxamud
2022-07-17 10:28:32 GMT

Carwo caruus

Write a review of Cirtoogte

Cirtoogte Directions
About Mogadishu
Capital of Somalia

Mogadishu, locally known as Xamar or Hamar, is the capital and most populous city of Somalia. The city has served as an important port connecting traders across the Indian Ocean for millennia, and has an estimated urban population of 2,610,483. source

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