Tokiwadai Elementary School is located in Kawatana (Town in Kyushu, Japan), Japan. It's address is Japan, 〒857-2302 Nagasaki, Saikai, 西彼下岳郷2118.
Japan, 〒857-2302 Nagasaki, Saikai, 西彼下岳郷2118
XQWJ+HQ Saikai, Nagasaki, Japan
+81 959-37-0321
Questions & Answers
Where is Tokiwadai Elementary School?
Tokiwadai Elementary School is located at: Japan, 〒857-2302 Nagasaki, Saikai, 西彼下岳郷2118.
What is the phone number of Tokiwadai Elementary School?
You can try to calling this number: +81 959-37-0321
What are the coordinates of Tokiwadai Elementary School?
Coordinates: 32.9964523, 129.7819976
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Tokiwadai Elementary School Directions
About Kawatana
Town in Kyushu, JapanKawatana is a town located in Higashisonogi District, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan. As of July 31, 2023, the town has an estimated population of 13,232 and a density of 355 persons per km². The total area is 37.25 km². source
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