Mercadito Sofía

Grocery store in La Ceiba

Updated: April 19, 2024 03:28 PM

Mercadito Sofía is located in La Ceiba (Municipality in Honduras), Honduras. It's address is Cale 16, La Ceiba, Atlántida, Honduras.

Cale 16, La Ceiba, Atlántida, Honduras

Q6JG+64 La Ceiba, Honduras

+504 8966-3069

Check Time Table for Mercadito Sofía

Monday8 AM to 7:30 PM
Tuesday8 AM to 7:30 PM
Wednesday8 AM to 7:30 PM
Thursday8 AM to 7:30 PM
Friday8 AM to 7:30 PM
Saturday8 AM to 7:30 PM
Sunday8 AM to 7:30 PM

Questions & Answers

Where is Mercadito Sofía?

Mercadito Sofía is located at: Cale 16, La Ceiba, Atlántida, Honduras.

What is the phone number of Mercadito Sofía?

You can try to calling this number: +504 8966-3069

What are the coordinates of Mercadito Sofía?

Coordinates: 15.7805994, -86.7746473

Mercadito Sofía Reviews

2023-11-06 21:39:17 GMT

Tiene bayana oil?

Jasmin Sevilla
2021-03-07 02:59:00 GMT

Me atendieron de lo mejor felicidades los dueños de mercadito sofia y a sus vendedoras

Starlin Martinez
2022-01-18 01:07:35 GMT

La atención es buena

Joaquin Gabriel Matute George
2022-03-03 21:18:33 GMT


Write a review of Mercadito Sofía

Mercadito Sofía Directions
About La Ceiba
Municipality in Honduras

La Ceiba is a municipality, the capital of the Honduran department of Atlántida and a port city on the northern coast of Honduras in Central America. source

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