Dr Sarah Hanus / Dr Celine Plaitin

General practitioner in Mons

Updated: April 07, 2024 03:47 PM

Dr Sarah Hanus / Dr Celine Plaitin is located in Mons (City in Belgium), Belgium. It's address is Rue de Gages 7, 7830 Silly, Belgium.

Rue de Gages 7, 7830 Silly, Belgium

JWF3+CX Silly, Belgium

+32 68 45 48 72

Questions & Answers

Where is Dr Sarah Hanus / Dr Celine Plaitin?

Dr Sarah Hanus / Dr Celine Plaitin is located at: Rue de Gages 7, 7830 Silly, Belgium.

What is the phone number of Dr Sarah Hanus / Dr Celine Plaitin?

You can try to calling this number: +32 68 45 48 72

What are the coordinates of Dr Sarah Hanus / Dr Celine Plaitin?

Coordinates: 50.623594, 3.9049423

Dr Sarah Hanus / Dr Celine Plaitin Reviews

Michael Dewilde
2023-04-05 11:34:58 GMT

Le Dr Céline Plaitin fait preuve d'un professionnalisme exemplaire.
Excellente prise en charge.

Larry Lars
2023-08-12 06:12:30 GMT

Dr Hanus très sympathique ! Merci

Gregory Haenecour
2023-03-20 18:59:46 GMT

Tres bon docteur

Christophe Bonnarens
2022-12-28 12:37:29 GMT

Ne veut pas vous recevoir sous prétexte de ne plus prendre de nouveaux patients quand votre médecin traitant est absent!!!Manque total de Déontologie

Write a review of Dr Sarah Hanus / Dr Celine Plaitin

Dr Sarah Hanus / Dr Celine Plaitin Directions
About Mons
City in Belgium

Mons is a city and municipality of Wallonia, and the capital of the province of Hainaut, Belgium. Mons was made into a fortified city by Count Baldwin IV of Hainaut in the 12th century. source

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