Adam Frédéric

Electrician in Liège

Updated: March 29, 2024 06:28 AM

Adam Frédéric is located in Liège (City in Belgium), Belgium. It's address is Rue Victor Martin 8, 4520 Wanze, Belgium.

Rue Victor Martin 8, 4520 Wanze, Belgium

G6WX+W9 Wanze, Belgium

+32 495 18 51 85

Check Time Table for Adam Frédéric

Monday9 AM to 5 PM
Tuesday9 AM to 5 PM
Wednesday9 AM to 5 PM
Thursday9 AM to 5 PM
Friday9 AM to 5 PM

Questions & Answers

Where is Adam Frédéric?

Adam Frédéric is located at: Rue Victor Martin 8, 4520 Wanze, Belgium.

What is the phone number of Adam Frédéric?

You can try to calling this number: +32 495 18 51 85

What are the coordinates of Adam Frédéric?

Coordinates: 50.5472946, 5.2484864

Adam Frédéric Reviews

frederic adam
2015-02-03 09:14:30 GMT

professionnel avec beaucoup d'expérience et de sérieux

Write a review of Adam Frédéric

Adam Frédéric Directions
About Liège
City in Belgium

Liège is a city and municipality of Wallonia and the capital of the Belgian province of Liège. The city is situated in the valley of the Meuse, in the east of Belgium, not far from borders with the Netherlands and with Germany. source

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